Several Ada S. McKinley programs/offices will be closed on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 due to the extremely cold temperatures. We anticipate that all Ada S. McKinley sites will reopen on Wednesday, January 22nd.
- Administrative Office will be CLOSED, and staff is expected to work remotely where applicable.
- All School, Educational Services, Family Support, and Child Development sites will be OPEN for staff scheduled to be in the office. However, client activities, i.e., home and family visits, will be canceled. Employees should seek management approval for remote work.
- Behavioral/Mental Health offices and clinics will be CLOSED except for the Mobile Crisis Response (SASS), which will be OPEN under the direction of the Program VP and Directors. Staff is expected to work remotely as applicable.
- All Community Day Programs will be OPEN.
- Foster Care Office will be OPEN. In-person services are to be canceled unless absolutely necessary and under the direction of the Program VP and Directors. Employees should seek management approval for remote work.
- ECSS Janitorial Services will be OPEN and operating normally.
- Residential Services Programs will be OPEN, operating under the direction of the Program Directors – Shelter in Place Protocols are in effect.
- Wisconsin Base Programs – No Change
- McCrone office will remain open as well as I-PASS, pending further information from Illinois Tollway.
If you are ever unsure whether there will be program closures, please check the Ada website, call the program Center or administrative office, or contact the program supervisor.