Family Talks is a radio show hosted by our CEO Jamal Malone and his wife Latisha Malone, financial expert and Certified Fitness Instructor specializing in empowering women through physical and spiritual fitness. The ten-episode series features heartfelt and provocative conversations with the Malone’s and other power couples. The overall theme of the series is “building strong communities to build strong families” with discussions covering a range of topics including the importance of Head Start programs, issues relevant to what is going on in Chicago and the nation, and how we can create progress on critical human service issues. Family Talks is scheduled to air every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 5:30 pm on WVON 1390 AM. It is a part of Afternoon Show with Matt McGill and Kimberly Egonmwan.
December 14, 2020
Guest Couple: Ezekiel “Zeke” Morris and Adrena Morris (Part 1)
Click Here to Listen
December 28, 2020
Guest Couple: Ezekiel “Zeke” Morris and Adrena Morris (Part 2) – Joined by State Rep. Camille Lilly
Click Here to Listen
January 11, 2020
Guest Couple: Commissioner Dennis Deer and Barbara Deer
(Segment will be posted after airing)