Ada S. McKinley Revie Sorey Trunk Scholarships
Application Deadline: Friday, May 3, 2024 [by 11:59 pm central time]
- Prior to submitting a Trunk Scholarship Application, students must complete and sign the Ada S. McKinley Educational Services In-Take and Collaboration Consent forms. If you are currently a participant of Ada S. McKinley’s Educational Services program and have already and completed and signed the In-Take and Collaboration Consent forms, you do not have to complete the forms again. If you are unsure, please contact our Educational Services Team at 312-808-5910.
As part of the application, students must submit a photo, college acceptance letter, and a 250-350 word essay entitled “Why Obtaining a Postsecondary Education Is Important to Me”. The essay should include details regarding the students’ journey and any life experiences that have inspired and contributed to their desire to pursue a postsecondary education.
- Students are required to upload a photo with their essay (preferably a graduation photo if available). All photos must be high resolution (preferably .jpeg format). Photo must be a quality headshot (mid-torso and above). Do not submit photos that have watermarks on top of them (photographers often place watermarks on their photos with words like “proof only” or the name of the photographer to prevent usage of them without purchase). If you do not have a professional graduate photo, have a friend/family member take a headshot of you with a cell phone that takes quality photos.
Professional Graduation Photo Samples
Photos Taken with Cell Phone Samples
Students must submit their college acceptance letter. If you do not have access to a scanner, please take a clear photo of the letter to upload with your application.